GK: Transition from a culture of customer service to a culture based on Customer Experience

Having a culture based on customer experience can have a lasting impact on customer perception and brand loyalty.

GK, a company with a significant presence in countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and the United States, is a corporation that stands out in all its projects, offering unique services and promoting an environment of environmental sustainability, work and a better quality of life.

According to their Sustainability Report 2021-2022, the commitment to the safety and well-being of the client is paramount for the corporation. It is for this reason that, guided by the vision of its Chairman, Mohammad Yusuf Amdani Bai, in 2022, the company began the transition from a culture of customer service to a culture based on the Customer Experience, in order to achieve that its customers can enjoy and maximize their experiences.

Initiatives contributing to this vision include:

  • Continuous staff training to maintain a high quality service.
  • They currently have highly trained professional teams and duly certified as specialists in Customer Experience.
  • The training program “We are at your service” which focuses on the pillars of safety, courtesy, excellence, trust, and accessibility with the purpose of developing a collaborative team that is passionate about customers.
  • The Customer Experience map guides the training of its collaborators with methodologies that generate positive impacts on all users or visitors who have contact with the company. This ranges from generating brand awareness and interest, to customer retention strategies.
  • Paying attention to the customer experience and considering it a priority has allowed GK to guarantee solid, long-term relationships that facilitate customer retention.


Why is the customer experience important?


Differentiating Factor

First, the customer experience can be a differentiating factor for a company. With an increasingly competitive market, it is important for companies to offer a unique and memorable experience for their customers.

This can include exceptional service, a friendly atmosphere, and personalized attention. By offering a high-quality experience, companies can earn customer loyalty and increase their preference for their brand.

Key factor for long-term success

Second, the customer experience can be a key factor in a company’s long-term success. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a brand to their friends and family, which can increase brand reach and generate more revenue. Additionally, satisfied customers are also more likely to return and do business with a company in the future, which can enhance a company’s long-term stability and growth.

Promotes reputation

Lastly, the customer experience is important to a company’s reputation and image. A positive customer experience can be a great way to generate word of mouth publicity and improve a company’s image.

In conclusion, the customer experience is essential to the success of a company. By offering a high-quality experience, companies can earn customer loyalty, increase their brand preference, enhance their long-term success, and enhance their reputation and image. Therefore, it is important that companies seriously consider the importance of the customer experience and take steps to improve it.

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